Dean of Al-Maarif University College, the respected Prof. Dr. (Yaqoub Nadhim Ahmed) .. and Head of Civil Engineering Department, Dr. (Ibrahim Abdullah Edan), Department of Civil Engineering, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at the College, presents a symposium on Tuesday 01/18/2022 entitled (sustainable road engineering) that included the latest developments and modern techniques used in constructing a road that fulfills the conditions of sustainability, posing the problems of traffic congestion and bottlenecks in governorate of Baghdad, and finding the most appropriate solutions to solve traffic problems delivered by:
(Dr. Duraid Moayed Abd) Head of the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations at the University of Anbar
(Professor Dr. Zainab Al-Qaisi) is a teacher in the Department of Roads and Transport Engineering / College of Engineering / Al-Mustansiriya University
(Ms. Noor Jabbar Mahdi) is a teacher in the Civil Engineering Department, Al-Maarif University College
Where he directed the scientific symposium (Dr. Ali Imad Jihad) in Department of Civil Engineering at Al-Maarif University College