Al-Maarif University College aims at enhancing social responsibility and provide social services with humanitarian-based set of ethical standards corresponding to the academic norms and traditions aiming at:
1. Solidifying trust issues and cooperation between the college and local community.
2. Cooperation between the departments of the college and the governmental and private sectors.
3. Improving training opportunities for college students in government departments.
4. Providing financial and motivational support to the various segments and sectors of society.
5. Adopting cultural, scientific and sports activities that enhance the college’s communal reputation.
6. Adopting continuous education to educate adults of all ages, and continuous training of professionals to raise their competencies and acquire the expertise necessary to perform the profession.
7. Spreading scientific information for the local community via lectures and seminars aiming at elevating members of that community.
8. Holding seminars, symposiums and conferences for its graduates; to make them acquainted with the the latest updates in their specialties. How to publish in journals, and to address the problems they face in their scientific experience.
9. Providing services to the local community through voluntary work in government and private institutions.
10. Supporting people with disabilities and people with special needs through financial and incentive support.