Catered by Dean Al-Maarif University College, Professor Dr. (Yaqoub Nadhim Ahmed) and Head of Civil Engineering Department, Dr. (Ibrahim Abdullah Aidan), Civil Engineering Department, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit, holds its scientific symposium entitled (Sustainable Roads Engineering) to keep up with the latest developments and techniques used in establishing Paving roads to ensure the construction of a road that fulfills the conditions of sustainability, as provided by:
(Dr. Duraid Moayed Abd) Head of the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations at University of Anbar
(Professor Dr. Zainab Al-Qaisi) is an instructor in Department of Roads and Transport Engineering, Al-Mustansiriya University
(Ms. Nour Jabbar Mahdi), a lecturer in Civil Engineering Department, Al-Maarif University College, on Tuesday, 18/1/ 2022 at 10 am, and on the Continuing Education Hall in the college
To ensure communication, the first scientific symposium on sustainable road engineering will be continued on Wednesday, 19/1/2022
Provided by both
(Professor Dr. Abdul Rahim Ibrahim Jassem) Head of Civil Engineering Department at University of Mosul, (Dr. Haitham), a researcher at University of Malaysia, And (Dr. Ali Emad), an instructor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Al-Maarif University College. via the link:
Note: that there are certificates of participation for all attendees