ندوة بعنوان (( الابتزاز الالكتروني هو ابتزاز لشرف الاخرين ))

A Symposium Entitled “Electronic extortion is extortion of the honor of others.”

The Department of Computer Science, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at Al-Maarif University College, is holding a symposium entitled “Electronic extortion is extortion of the honor of others.”
1- Dr. Hamed Nafeh Abboud / University of Technology
2- Dr. Khudair Abed Thamer / Al-Maarif University College
3- Dr. Hanan Shaheen Hussein / Al-Maarif University College

Seminar host
Mr. Muhannad Abdul Sattar Hamid, on Tuesday 6/7/2020 at 9 pm

Seminar attendance link:

*Note that there will be certificates of participation