On Sunday, 8th December 2024, College of Law at University of Al-Maarif, in cooperation with the Women’s Affairs Unit, held an awareness seminar entitled (Protection of women from violence in sharia law, as part of 16 days of activities against violence against women, which run from 25th November 2024 until 10th December 2024, given by Dr. Khalid Awad, Dean of College of Law.
The lecturer highlighted the protection afforded by Al-Sharia to women and the sacred status under its protection against violence and combating discrimination against women, the seminar reached a number of conclusions on its subject, including the need for a solidarity effort to address any manifestation of violence against women, promote the fulfilment of the obligations imposed by the relevant international conventions to raise women’s awareness of their rights, that no violence to which they are subjected must be silent and that legal responses to such violence must be known.