The College Chief Representative of Student Activities at Al-Maarif Universsity College, Dr. Omar Naji Omair, has participated in the media workshop entitled (scientific policy for youth programs) that was held on (Zoom Meeting) on Saturday 02/2021. Under the curtacy of the Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kazem Abdel-Saheb, and under the supervision of the Head of the College Supervision system , Prof. Dr. Salah Hadi Al-Fatlawi.
The workshop was hosted by:
Prof. Dr. Tather Rashid Matar and Prof. Dr. Silem Hassan Jalab _ members of the Ministerial Committee for Scouts in the Student Activities Department of the Scientific Supervision and Assessment Authority _.
A lecture was given by Prof. Dr. Nasim Ghanawi, Member of the Arab Scout Organization.
The workshop dealt with several axes, including: the goal of the scout movement, and the mechanism of work to increase the scout movement, introduce it properly, work to expand and increase the number of scouts, and make youth the main goal of the scout movement in order to create a youth generation capable of taking responsibility and capable of leadership. The workshop also reviewed the definition of the scout leader’s work, his tasks and duties, and his role in society.