
First Year

NO.Course titleTotal units
1Human rights and democracy4
2Professional Ethics2
3Computer 4
4Fundamentals of Education4
5Educational psychology4
7Pre- islam Arabic Literature6
8Morphology 4
9Rhetoric (Al-Bayan and Budaiya) 4
10Expression and creation4
11Quran Sciences4

Second Year

NO.Course titleTotal units
2Developmental psychology4
3Secondary education and educational administration4
5Islamic literature6
6Morphology 4
7Rhetoric (meanings)4
8Performances and rhyme4
9The old book4
10Quranic text analysis (interpretation)4

Third Year

NO.Course titleTotal units
1Grammer 6
2Abbasid literature6
3Ancient Arab criticism6
4Andalusian literature4
6The old book4
7Research methodology and library4
8Hadith Sciences4
9Teaching methods and methods4
10Educational guidance and mental health4

Fourth Year

NO.Course titleTotal units
1Grammer Science6
2Modern criticism6
3Modern Literature (Poetry)4
4Modern literature (prose)4
6Graduation project and research4
7Literary applications4
8Language applications4
9Measurement and evaluation4
10Watch and app4