Within the cultural and scientific activities carried out by Al- Ma’arif University College and its openness with the local and international universities. The dean Professor Dr.Yaqoop Nadhim Ahmed attended the second international medical conference.
Under the slogan (Updates in Medical and Health Sciences) the College of Medical held, in cooperation with the College of Pharmacy at Al-Anbar University. Which took place on 12 th – 13 th November 2022 in Al-Anbar province. With the presence of the Minister of Health, the Governor of Al-Anbar, the representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and higher ranks in the province.
The Head of the Department of Pharmacy at Al-Ma’arif University College, Assistant Professor Dr. Ibtisam Al-Abusi, presided over one of the conference sessions. In addition, lecturers of the Pharmacy Department at Al-Ma’arif University College at the conference presented their research to the participants.