On Wednesday, 19th April 2023, the administrative assistant of Al-Maarif University College, Dr. Husam Hussain Mazban participated as a member in the master’s thesis presented by the student Asmaa Jabir Kamil, Islamic Education Department – College of Basic Education – Al-Mustanseriyah University. The examiners discussed the entitled thesis (The Concept of the Adjective for Fundamentalists and its Applications in the Book Bulugh Al-Maram from the Evidences of Rulings by Imam Al-Hafidh bin Hajar Al-Asqalani (852) Books of Zakat and Hajj Application Models).
After an extensive discussion of the thesis, the committee recommended that the student be awarded a master’s degree with a very good degree.
This participation came within the policy of Al-Maarif University College’s openness, communication, and cooperation with official academic institutions.