
حضور مؤتمر علمي

Attending a scientific conference

Al-Maarif University College shares other local and international universities and colleges; Prof. Dr. Yaqoub Nadhim Ahmed has attended the second conference of the Iraqi International Laser Organization, which is specialized in laser engineering and medical technologies. The conference was held at Al-Kut University College for the period from 25-26/5/2021, Al-Maarif University College has contributed as

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رئيس جامعة واسط يزور كلية المعارف الجامعة

The President of the University of Wasit Visited AUC

On Thursday, 10th June 2021, the Dean of Al-Maarif University College, Prof. Dr. Yaqoub Nadhim Ahmed, welcomed in his office the President of the University of Wasit, Professor Dr. Mazin Hassan Jassim Al-Hasani.The meeting dealt with several issues, most notably opening the door for scientific and cultural cooperation, and supporting the scientific and educational process

The President of the University of Wasit Visited AUC Read More »

كلية المعارف الجامعة تشارك في المؤتمر الدولي الإفتراضي

AUC Participated in the Virtual International Conference

Al-Maarif University College, represented by its Dean, Prof. Dr. Yaqoub Nadhim Ahmed – the Dean of the College participated in the activities of the international conference (The Role of Intellectual Capital in Achieving Sustainable Development in a Post-Corona World and the Economic Crisis) which took place on Thursday, 10th June 2021.The conference was held by

AUC Participated in the Virtual International Conference Read More »

Scholarships for Students

Al-Maarif University College grants some students scholarships, rewards and various financial facilities for its students and employees, including; Granting family-members of the martyrs, the injured (themselves), political prisoners, siblings, instructors’ families and employees.The college also offers other financial incentives for excellent and top students. Below, we outline the percentages of scholarships provided from tuition fees:

Scholarships for Students Read More »

كلية المعارف الجامعة تحصل على مرتبة متقدمة بنشر البحوث في مستوعبات كلاريفت و سكوبس...

AUC Obtained an Advanced Rank in Research Publishing in Clarivate and Scopus

On 1st May 2021, Al-Maarif University College ranked sixth locally according to the statistics recorded. This is the result of the quality and abundance of research published on the absorbers of Clarivate and Scopus compared with other community colleges. The researchers have published research in internationally accredited and sober journals.This achievement is due to the

AUC Obtained an Advanced Rank in Research Publishing in Clarivate and Scopus Read More »

electronic final exams for the first term/ first semester have started for all students except the First Year students at Al-Maarif University College for the academic year 2020-2021.

Final Exams of the first term for the year 2020-2021 commence electronically

They were conducted with ease and smoothness.The early preparations made by the college, before the exams were conducted, were reflected in the lack of technical problems among students.Electronic exams appeared in this well organized way that reflects reputation of the College, its respectable instructors and good students.These exams were conducted under the auspices and supervision

Final Exams of the first term for the year 2020-2021 commence electronically Read More »

Attention first-year students

Attention first-year students

The Deanship of Al-Maarif University College invites its first-year students in all departments who have not received the university email yet to go to the college headquarters to receive the new university email before Thursday, 01/04/2021Notice:After the specified date, all university e-mails, including secret codes, will be changed; Therefore, we urge our dear students to

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نشر بحث في المجلة العالمية IEEE Access

Publishing of Research in IEEE Access

Within the research activities carried out by the Department of Computer Science, and the efforts of the deanship of Al-Maarif University College, research has been published in the international scientific journal (Open Access: Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal ), Classified under ISI Journals (Clarivate’s Analysis), Impact Coefficient (3.745: Q1), classified under International Absorbers Scopus entitled ”

Publishing of Research in IEEE Access Read More »

استئناف الدوام للفصل الدراسي الثاني  للعام الدراسي  ٢٠٢٠ -٢٠٢١ في كلية المعارف الجامعة

Resumption of working hours for the second semester of the academic year 2020-2021 at AUC

The students of Al-Maarif University College started the blended education program on Sunday 18 th April 2021, by giving theoretical and practical lectures electronically in the departments’ laboratories, based on the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to adopt blended education According to the announced timings, an operations room was formed

Resumption of working hours for the second semester of the academic year 2020-2021 at AUC Read More »

AUC sponsored the second international conference on E-Learning

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research held the second international conference on e-learning, which was sponsored by several Iraqi universities and colleges.The conference program started on Friday 7 th May 2021 to Saturday 8 th, 2021. The program included two sections every day, the most important of which are: e-learning strategies and their

AUC sponsored the second international conference on E-Learning Read More »

تم عقد اجتماع قسم العلوم المالية والمصرفية لتقييم الفصل الأول في أعقاب الانتهاء من الامتحانات الحضورية

A meeting of the Banking and Financial Sciences Department

The Banking and Financial Sciences Department meeting was held to evaluate the first semester following the completion of the attendance exams and to discuss the preparations for the start of the second semester, and the distribution of study materials.The head of the department praised the efforts made by the teaching staff and the examination committee.Students

A meeting of the Banking and Financial Sciences Department Read More »

Setting up student activity for poetry and rhetoric under the supervision of the Arabic language department

Setting up student activity for poetry and rhetoric under the supervision of the Arabic language department

In the presence of the dean of Al-Maarif University College, professor Dr. Yacoub Nazim Ahmed, the student activity for poetry and rhetoric was held today corresponding to 21/11/2018 under the supervision of the Department of the Arabic language, and the activities of this activity were opened by the speech of the Dean, the first supporter

Setting up student activity for poetry and rhetoric under the supervision of the Arabic language department Read More »

كلية المعارف الجامعة تحتضن الامتحانات التمهيدية لطلبة المرحلة  المتوسطة والإعدادية

AUC hosted preliminary examinations for middle and preparatory students

Al-Maarif University College has sponsored the preparatory examinations for students in the middle and preparatory levels of vocational education as one of the examination centers approved by the Directorate of Anbar Education in coordination with the College, in line with the directives of the Ministries of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Education that universities

AUC hosted preliminary examinations for middle and preparatory students Read More »