On Monday, 9th September 2024, the Head of the Department of Medical Laboratories Techniques, Asst. Prof. Dr. Raed Obaid Salih held an expanded meeting with the staff of the department, in the presence of the Rector Assistant for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Mahmood Abd Al-Razaq Al-Saadi. At the beginning, the Rector Assistant welcomed the teaching staff, expressing his gratitude for the attendance, and discussed the directives of the Rectorate, stressing the need to adhere to the directives. The Head of the Department presented a briefing on the most important preparations for the new academic year 2024-2025, including the distribution of study materials, assignments, formation of committees, preparation of study schedules, student registration, and several groups of modern electronic systems and platforms were reviewed to improve administrative and scientific performance in the department. In conclusion, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Abd Al-Jalil Yassin was honoured for his previous efforts in managing the department by the Rector Assistant, praising the distinguished efforts made by the department’s instructors in maintaining the prestigious position of the university.