On Saturday 10th August 2024, the Division of Quality Assurance and Institutional Accreditation held the first part of the workshop presented by the Institutional Accreditation supervisor at University of Al-Maarif Dr. Shihab Hamad Khalifa in the presence of the scientific assistant Dr. Mahmood Abd Al-Razaq Abd Al-Rahman, the administrative assistant Dr. Muthanna Abd Al-Wahab Jumaa, with several deans and managers of the concerned departments. The workshop showed the difference between institutional accreditation and specialized programmatic accreditation, the first is a general adoption focusing on the overall evaluation of the educational institution’s performance, to assess the institution’s efficiency as a single unit, specialized programmatic accreditation is a special accreditation focusing on the interest in specialized academic programmes offered by the institution individually. It is essential for vocational specializations, not only for general accreditation but also for special accreditation from the occupational organization. The workshop noted the aims of institutional accreditation which strives to balance the quality of the educational institution with the service and protection of the community’s interests by ensuring that education is in the right direction and effectively achieves its goals. The Foundation works effectively to achieve its objectives, sending confidence to the community, governments and financiers that educational institutions play the role for which they have established the best possible performance. Development of performance and quality systems in the University’s academic and administrative departments to ensure continuous institutional accreditation. This workshop was held within the policy of University of Al-Maarif to achieve institutional accreditation and targeted the university leaders, middle and operational leaders. One of the workshop’s results was to promote a culture of quality and academic accreditation among the university community with its complementary perception.