The Department of Banking and Financial Sciences at Al-Ma’arif University College participated in the forum of creative students which was held with the title (Digital Transformation and its Impact on High Education in the Arab World) in Al-Zaytoonah University – The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with the participation of the research (The effectiveness of financial markets in achieving balance Economic and investment financing) for the student (Bakr Amir Obaid) and under the supervision of Dr. (IslamMuhammad Mahmoud).
Certificates of appreciation were distributed to the participants at the conclusion of the proceedings forum, which was successful. The shield of Al-Ma’arif University College was presented to the Vice-chair of Al-Zaytoonah University, as well as Dr. Ahmad Al-
Abooshi Al-Aboushi, Director of International Relations at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, chair of the Conference, and the representative of the Coordinating Committee of the Conference.