The Division of Women’s Affairs at University of Al-Maarif held an awareness-raising seminar entitled (Legal Protection of Working Women in Private Education Institutions), aimed to familiarize working women with their most prominent rights and legal protection, given by Ali Khalifa Hammad, in cooperation with College of Law and the Continuing Learning Centre at the University.
The seminar highlighted the most important legal provisions on the protection of women workers’ rights under the Labour Code No. 37 of 2015, reviewing certain protections, including the prohibition of women’s night work or the assignment of burdensome and arduous work, The law’s care for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding Social Security Act and the Legal Age for its Retirement.
At the conclusion, it was stressed that the role of women in the field of employment should be activated, supported and encouraged to enter strongly into this area with the existence of laws guaranteeing their rights and that seminars should be held to raise women’s awareness and culture in this regard, as well as to define all their rights.