A fourth-year student of the communications branch (Yusir Anas Yassin) was able to obtain the acceptance of a publication to research her graduation at the IEEE Conference within Scopas’ absorbers.
This achievement came from the support of the Deanship of Al-Maarif University College, Prof. Yaqoop Nadhim Ahmed, and the follow-up of the Head of the Department of Computer Technology Engineering, Dr. Mohammed Basil Abdulkareem, under the supervision of the Assist. Lec. Mustafa Muad and Assist. Lec. Ahmed Shamil Mustafa,
The admission of such research to an international conference at this level is a scientific achievement that confirms the advanced scientific level of students of Al-Maarif University College, which qualifies them to publish scientific research in sober international journals and conferences even though they are still in the bachelor’s degree.