A scientific Seminar was participated by Assistant Prof. Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Ragab, Head of the Medical Devices Engineering Department – Al-Maarif University College. The Seminar is entitled (The Role of Quality Management in Achieving the Goals of High Education), which was held by the University of Fallujah – College of Administration and Economics.
The scientific Seminar was attended by:
-The President of the University of Fallujah Prof. Sabah Ibrahim Hammadi.
-The Assistant President for Scientific Affairs Prof. Ahmed Suleiman Hamad.
-The Dean of the College of Administration and Economics.
-The Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
As well as, a number of heads of departments and lecturers.
The seminar discussed two important points:
The first point: The accreditation of universities and ways to fulfill their requirements, presented by Prof. Ali Abdul-Jabbar Al-Zubaidi – United Kingdom.
The second point: Strategies for the development of high education after the quality assurance stage, presented by Prof. Ahmed Abdel-Hussein, Talib Al-Emirate – the University of Kufa – College of Administration and Economics.