Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abd Al-Malik Abd Al-Rahman, Rector of University of Al-Maarif, participated as Chair in a scientific committee to discuss the thesis of the doctoral for student (Sinan Mahdi Salih) at the Faculty College of Islamic Sciences, at University of Anbar, on the entitled thesis: (Additions of Siraguddin al-Armoui on Alrazi in his book Al-Tahseel Min Al-Mahsool… Comparative Study).
The Discussion Committee consisted of Chair of the Committee, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abd Al-Malik Abd Al-Rahman – University of Al-Maarif, Prof. Dr. Yaqoob Nadhim Ahmed – Iraqi University – College of Islamic Sciences, Dr. Akram Obaid Faraih, Dr. Qeisar Hamad and Dr. Mahmood Farhan Hamid Atwan Salih – University of Anbar – College of Islamic Sciences.