On Tuesday, 28th March 2023, the Dean of Al-Maarif University College, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Abd Al-Malik Abd Al-Rahman, and the Manager of the Information and Technology Unit, Dr. Mahmood Abd Al-Razzaq Al-Saadi welcomed in his office Engineer Suhaila Ismail Al-Qaisi, the Manager of Communications and Informatics in Al-Anbar province.
During the visit, several topics were discussed, the most important of which was the signing of a cooperation agreement, which includes the elaboration of a future plan for joint cooperation in the scientific and service fields, training of students in the relevant departments, the activation of optical cable technology, as well as the increase of Internet capacities that serve the staff and students of the College.
This visit was part of the cultural and scientific activities carried out by the Deanship of the College to strengthen relations and expand the horizon of joint cooperation with the sections and directorates of the province.