م.م. اسراء احمد جدوع
مدير الوحدة
The Women’s Empowerment Unit is the most important unit that seeks to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women through self-reliance mechanisms. Its empowerment makes development more interactive and participatory between men and women. Thus, development is not merely a social care for women but a social development aimed at empowering women to possess economic and social strengths that enable them to become self-reliant to improve their situation continuously and participate in decision-making.
To provide equal and effective citizenship in a society of justice and equality of opportunity for sustainable national development.
The Women’s Empowerment Unit means raising the realities of Iraqi women, preserving their acquisitions and rooting a positive community culture and a supportive national environment through a participatory methodology with all stakeholders
– Participate women in leadership positions.
– Participate women in public committees and public positions.
– Offer an education opportunity for non-traditional education and training.
– Participate women in decision-making.
– Prepare and follow up on all plans, programs and activities related to women.
Unit Email: womenpower@uoa.edu.iq

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