The college council of Al-Maarif University College held the seventh session of the academic year (2023/2024) at exactly noon, on Sunday (3/24/2024) in the council’s meeting room, headed by the Dean of the College (the respected Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Malik Abdel-Rahman). At the beginning of the meeting, the Council President welcomed all Council members. Then the assembled gentlemen discussed the issues included in the session’s agenda, including the conduct of exams for the first academic course for first-year students in all departments, as well as discussing the evaluation exams for the departments concerned with it – and approving the granting of academic titles to some college teachers. After that, the topics included in the agenda were discussed. session, and appropriate decisions and recommendations were taken. After the session, the Dean of the College extended his thanks and appreciation to all members of the Council for their attendance and serious discussions that contributed to the maturity of the decisions and recommendations that were taken at the session.