Visit of Dean of the College to the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Scientific Affairs…

The Dean of Al-Maarif University College, Prof. Dr. Yaqoub Nadhim Ahmed and Assistant Professor Dr. Khaled Awad Hammadi Al-Sayed, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Scientific Affairs, have visited Professor Dr. Yassin Al-Ithawi in his office on Wednesday, 11/24/2021.

The visit came for the purpose of discussing matters related to the college with regard to the administrative and scientific aspects related to the college. Discussions were held regarding the release of the documents of Department of Physical Education and Sports Science/Evening Studies, the approval of all the previous college journals in the Research and Development Department, and the opening of new departments.

At the conclusion of the visit, the Dean of the College presented the College’s shield to the Deputy Minister for Higher Affairs for his efforts to advance our esteemed Ministry.