Drugs are a Security, Health and Social risk

Catered by the Dean of Al-Maarif University College, Prof. Dr. Yaqoub Nadhim Ahmed, and Head of Laboratory Technologies Department, Prof. Dr. Iyad Abdel-Razzaq,  and part of the principle of scientific cooperation between Al-Maarif University College, government universities (Imam Adham College) and private colleges (Al-Huda University College), staff of Department of Laboratory Technologies have organized The Medical and Psychological and Educational Guidance Unit conducted an awareness campaign about drugs and their effects on the individual and society entitled (Drugs are a security, health and social risk) on 17/1/2022

The awareness campaign has the following important recommendations:

1- The need for humanitarian organizations and civil society organizations to take their role in holding educational seminars on the dangers of drug addiction.

2- The need for media to take a greater role in propaganda to stay away from drugs through targeted awareness programs for young people.

3 – The necessity of activating the role of the informant on everyone who deals in drugs and giving him a reward for informing him about this in order to motivate members of the community to report on everyone who deals or promotes drugs.

4- The necessity of enhancing the spirit of citizenship among members of society through targeted and prepared programs, because those who love their homeland do not seek to destroy it through drug trafficking or promotion.