A scientific visit

A group of lecturers and students of the Department of Computer Technology Engineering at Al-Maarif University College conducted a scientific visit to the Directorate of Communications and Informatics in Al-Anbar province on Wednesday – 21st December 2022.

This visit came during the activities of the Deanship of the College and its continuous openness to all scientific institutions, in cooperation with the Continuing Learning Unit in the college, under the supervision of a group of professors and assistants lecturers of the department.
This visit was organized by the Head of the department Prof. Dr. Mohammed Basil Abdel Karim. The purpose of this visit is to raise the scientific level of the students of the department as well as to introduce the students of the department to the latest communication technologies used and to know more about the directorate’s future projects and plans. The lecturers and the students were welcomed by the directorate’s engineers, led by Engineer Suhaila Ismail Faraj, Manager of communications and informatics in Al-Anbar.