On Monday, 16th October 2023, the Department of Medical Laboratories Techniques at Al-Maarif University College held a scientific workshop entitled (Preparing Tissue Slides) presented by Dr. Thulfiqar Fawaz Matar and Dr. Raed Obaid Saleh, who spoke about the important role of histopathological examinations in clinical diagnosis and searching for cancerous tumors and infections in various histological models.
Asst. Lec. Mohammed Rumaid Matar, an employee in the Pathological Histology Unit at Ramadi Teaching Hospital, provided an explanation of the procedures that are used in preparing histological slides, starting with receiving the tissue, placing it in formalin, fixing it, then removing the water with several concentrations of alcohol, embedding them with paraffin wax, then staining the models with hematoxylin and eosin, passing them over xylene, finally reading them on an optical microscope by a pathological doctor.