College of Dentistry Held a Scientific Seminar Regarding Preparation for the Examination
College of Dentistry at University of Al-Maarif held a scientific seminar entitled (Effective Study and Preparation for the Examination), given by Asst. Lec. Ahmed Jamal Ibrahim. The seminar was highly beneficial as it explained the

University of Al-Maarif Hosted Vanest for the Scientific Day Event
On Monday, 2nd December 2024, College of Dentistry at University of Al-Maarif hosted Vanest for Dental Supplies & Equipment on the occasion of the Scientific Day Event, where external lecturers from VANEST Asst. Lec. Yousif

College of Dentistry Held a Scientific Seminar Regarding Maxillary Expansion
On Sunday, 1st December 2024, College of Dentistry at University of Al-Maarif held a scientific seminar entitled (Maxillary Expansion with Clinical Case Presentation), given by Asst. Dr. Nasreen Mehdi Saleh, included an explanation of the

A Scientific Seminar on the Composite Dental Fillings at College of Dentistry
On Monday, 25th November 2024, College of Dentistry at University of Al-Maarif held a workshop for third-year students in conservative dentistry on the topic of Composite dental fillings to enhance and improve the scientific level

College of Dentistry Organized a Scientific Seminar Regarding Bio Electrochemical Sensors and the Uses
On Saturday, 23rd November 2024, College of Dentistry, held a scientific seminar entitled (Electrochemical Biosensor and Its Applications), given by Asst. Lec. Qusay Abd Al-Sattar Mohammed, where he discussed biosensors, defined and used in certain

A Scientific Seminar about Dental Compensation for Persons with Special Needs at College of Dentistry
On Sunday, 17th November 2024, College of Dentistry, held a scientific seminar entitled (Dental Compensation for Persons with Special Needs), given by Asst. Lec. Wafaa Atallah Jassim, highlighted how to deal with and treat patients