Basic Concepts of Bologna System, a workshop at College of Finance and Administration Sciences
A workshop was organized by the College of Finance and Administration Sciences at University of Al-Maarif in collaboration with the Department of Medical Instruments Techniques – College of Engineering entitled (Basic Concepts of Bologna System),

The Session of the Department of Medical Instruments Engineering Techniques at AUC
On Saturday, the 9th of September 2023, the Department of Medical Instruments Engineering Techniques held the first session for the academic year 2023-2024 chaired by the Head of the Department Asst. Prof. Mohammed Abd Al-Rahman.

Publication of a Scientific Research
Asst. Lec. Ahmed Muthanna Abdel-Ghafour, the lecturer from the Department of Medical Instruments Engineering Techniques at Al-Maarif University College participated in a research paper entitled (Vibration Investigation of An Imperfect FGM Cylindrical Shell Reinforced by

Participating in a Scientific Seminar in the University of Fallujah
A scientific Seminar was participated by Assistant Prof. Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Ragab, Head of the Medical Devices Engineering Department – Al-Maarif University College. The Seminar is entitled (The Role of Quality Management in Achieving the

The Establishment of the Medical Devices Engineering Department
The Department of Medical Device Technologies Engineering was established in the academic year 2022-2023, based on the urgent needs in Al-Anbar province. Al-Ma’arif University College took it upon itself to develop the Department of Medical