To complete all the logistical and technical matters related to the evaluation exam for the nursing department in our college, Al-Farahidi University hosted on Thursday, 7 th April 2022, a workshop for the ministerial team to clarify the mechanism of the electronic examination system for the college of dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing.
The workshop was attended by Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Khalaf, the Manager of Continuing Learning Unit, and assistant Assist. Lec. Ali Tariq Rediff, the Manager of the Information Technology Unit.
The head of the ministerial team, Prof. Dr. Amir Al-Amir, explained the importance of calendar exams in raising the reputation of Iraqi universities and raising the level of graduates, and the need for colleges to be ready for the success of the electronic calendar exams experiment.
The workshop was attended by several deans of the colleges of dentistry and pharmacy and the teaching staff in charge of the subjects covered by the calendar exam.