
ضمن النشاطات البحثية التي يقوم بيها قسم تقنيات المختبرات الطبية

As a part of the scientific activities supported by Dean of the Al-Maarif University College

As a part of the scientific activities supported by Dean of the Al-Maarif University College represented by Prof. Dr. Yaqoub Nadhim Ahmed, a paper was published in the journal (PLANT SCIENCE TODAY) which is classified within Scopus (Q3) by (Dr. Ahmed Khamis Abd Allah, Mr. Ali Sami Diab, Dr. Raed Obaid Saleh), Teaching staff members

As a part of the scientific activities supported by Dean of the Al-Maarif University College Read More »

The Ministerial capacity Committee visits Al-Maarif University College

On Tuesday 17 / 8 / 2021, the Ministerial capacity Committee visits Al-Maarif University College and Dean of the Al-Maarif University College Prof. Dr. Yaqoup Nadhim Ahmed has welcomed them. The aim of this visit is to evaluate the college capacity during the new academic year 2021 / 2022, within the specifications and standards adopted

The Ministerial capacity Committee visits Al-Maarif University College Read More »

معاون عميد كلية العلوم الاسلامية في الجامعة العراقية يزور كلية المعارف الجامعة

Vice-Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences at Al-Iraqi University visits Al-Maarif University College.

Dean of Al-Maarif University College Prof. Dr. Yaqoup Nadhim Ahmed has received in his office on Wednesday, 18/8/2021 the Vie-Dean for Scientific Affairs at the College of Islamic Sciences- Al-Iraqi University, Prof. Dr. ( Kadhim Khalifa Hammadi Al- Halbousi.The meeting dealt with several issues, most notably opening the door to scientific and cultural cooperation between

Vice-Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences at Al-Iraqi University visits Al-Maarif University College. Read More »



Ministry of Higher Education and scientific research has decided to consider the students and teaching staff absent in case of failure to bring card vaccinations of Corona starting from the month of next September.The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has announced not to allow the attendance of students, workers and teaching staff in

Attention Read More »

مناقشة واقع التعليم الجامعي الاهلي في العراق

A Scientific contribution of Al-Maarif University College to support the situation of education

A Scientific contribution of Al-Maarif University College to support for the situation of education, Dean of the College Prof. Dr. Yaqoup Nadhim Ahmed has attended a technical Symposium that was held by the Ministry of Planning, in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on Monday 23/8/2021 during the discussion of the

A Scientific contribution of Al-Maarif University College to support the situation of education Read More »

في أجواء التعاون العلمي بين كلية المعارف الجامعة والجامعات والكليات العراقية الأخرى

A Scientific cooperation

Scientific cooperation between Al-Maarif University College and other Iraqi universities and colleges ; A teaching staff member of the Department of English Prof. Dr. Muslih Schweish Ahmed has chaired a viva Committee of a Master Thesis entitled” Synonymy as a Cohesive Device in Students English Essay Writing” On Monday: 23 / 8 / 2021 am

A Scientific cooperation Read More »



Dean of Al-Maarif University College, Prof. Dr. Yaqoup Nadhim Ahmed, and Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs Prof. Dr. Hussam Hussein Mizban have participated in a viva discussion of a doctoral dissertation entitled ” the Semantics of what is spoken in part of what is written and its applications in Part no. 28 (Qad Same’a )

Participation Read More »


warmest congratulations and blessings to Mr. (Shehab Hamad Khalifa Al-Dulaimi)

The Deanship of Al-Maarif University College represented by its Dean, Prof. Dr. (Yacoub Nadhim Ahmed), and the head of the Department of Computer Science Dr. Khudhair Abdel Thamer, and the faculty members in our college as a whole, extend their warmest congratulations and blessings to Mr. (Shehab Hamad Khalifa Al-Dulaimi), an instructor in the Department

warmest congratulations and blessings to Mr. (Shehab Hamad Khalifa Al-Dulaimi) Read More »

استمرار جلسات مجلس الكلية ( الجلسة السابعة المفتوحة ) للعام الدراسي (٢٠٢٠ / ٢٠٢١)

The College Council’s sessions (the seventh open session) for the academic year (2020/2021)

The College Council’s sessions (the seventh open session) for the academic year (2020/2021) will be held on 11 am on Tuesday (10/8/2021). ) on the College Council Hall headed by Dean of the College, Prof. Yaqoob Nadhim Ahmed.At first, the Head of the Council welcomed all the members of the Council. After that, he presented

The College Council’s sessions (the seventh open session) for the academic year (2020/2021) Read More »

شكر وتقدير جامعة جامعة تكنولوجية المعلومات والاتصالات

Letter of thanks and appreciation from President of the University of Information and Communication Technology

Dean of Al-Maarif University College (Dr. Yaqoob Nadhim Ahmed) has been awarded a letter of thanks and appreciation from the President of the University of Information and Communication Technology, Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri, for the efforts exerted in implementing all the directives of His Excellency the Minister through holding scientific debates between public universities

Letter of thanks and appreciation from President of the University of Information and Communication Technology Read More »

The Ministerial Team for E-Learning visits Al-Maarif University College

following directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Al-Maarif University College has been honored on Sunday morning, 8/8/2021, by the visit of the Ministerial Team for E-Learning headed by Prof. Dr. Amer Salim Al-Amir and his accompanying delegation. The ministerial team also praised the efforts made by the administrative and educational staff

The Ministerial Team for E-Learning visits Al-Maarif University College Read More »

عميد كلية المعلوماتية الطبية الحيوية في جامعة تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات تزور كلية المعارف الجامعة

in pictures || Dean of the College of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Information and Communications Technology and Communications Technology visits Al-Maarif University College

The Dean of the University’s College of Knowledge received Prof. Dr. (Yacoub Nazim Ahmed), in his office on Thursday 5/8/2021; Dean of the College of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Information and Communications Technology, Assistant Professor Dr. (Intisar Shadid Jleeb Al-Majbali).The meeting dealt with several issues, most notably opening the door to scientific and

in pictures || Dean of the College of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Information and Communications Technology and Communications Technology visits Al-Maarif University College Read More »

اتفاقية تعاون علمي وثقافي بين كلية المعارف الجامعة والجامعة الإسلامية العالمية ماليزيا

A scientific and cultural cooperation agreement between Al-Maarif University College and the International Islamic University- Malaysia

Al-Maarif University College held a meeting with the International Islamic University Malaysia. Today, Thursday, 5/8/2021, regarding the conclusion of a cultural and scientific cooperation agreement between the two. The meeting pinpointed the most important items and main standards that serve both parties in terms of research cooperation, joint supervision, exchange of experiences, and holding conferences,

A scientific and cultural cooperation agreement between Al-Maarif University College and the International Islamic University- Malaysia Read More »

تنويه هام

Important notice..

To the students of Al-Maarif University College and for all academic levels who did not receive the student ID for this year, we would like to inform you that the last day to issue the ID is Thursday 5/8/2021.All late students must review the ID room in the central building, the ground floor, to receive

Important notice.. Read More »

زيارة الكترونية  لمتابعة سير الامتحانات النهائية الالكترونية للعام الدراسي 2020-2021.

Al-Maarif University College was honored with an electronic visit to follow up on the progress of the electronic final exams for the academic year 2020-2021.

On Tuesday 27/07/2021, Al-Maarif University College was honored with an electronic visit to follow up on the progress of the electronic final exams for the academic year 2020-2021.Where the conduct of the final exams was reviewed and a number of electronic halls were inspected, and the committee commended the efforts made and the extent of

Al-Maarif University College was honored with an electronic visit to follow up on the progress of the electronic final exams for the academic year 2020-2021. Read More »

الامتحانات الحضورية والالكترونية النهائية في كلية المعارف الجامعة تتواصل في يومها الثاني

Final Exams dairies: second day..

Attendance and electronic exams continued on Monday: 7/26/2021, on its second day at Al-Maarif University College, amid high satisfaction and participation by students, which reached a rate between 95-100%, with all health prevention measures, social distancing, and field visits by the ministerial committees. .. Where the sub-committee formed by the ministry of professors from the

Final Exams dairies: second day.. Read More »

احتلت كلية المعارف الجامعة المرتبة الثامنة على الجامعات والكليات الأهلية في العراق وذلك في عدد البحوث المنشورة في مستوعبات كلارافيت بحسب مانشرته وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي علما بأن مستوعبات كلارافيت  اعلى  عالميا وعلميا من مستوعبات سكوبس وجاء هذا الإنجاز نتيجة لجهود أساتذة كلية المعارف الجامعة الكرام الذين يشهد لهم محليا وعالميا بالتقدم العلمي والسمعة الأكاديمية والبحثية العالية  وفي الوقت ذاته يعد هذا الإنجاز نجاحا يضاف إلى نجاحات الكلية  وهي تحث الخطى لاحتلال أعلى المراتب المحلية والعالمية ورفع اسم العراق عاليا في المحافل الدولية.

Al-Maarif University College ranks up in publishing international research

Al-Maarif University College ranked eighth among the private universities and colleges in Iraq in the number of research published in Clarivate containers, according to what was published by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, noting that Clarivate containers are higher globally and scientifically than Scopus containers. Locally and internationally, with scientific progress and

Al-Maarif University College ranks up in publishing international research Read More »

السيد عميد كلية المعارف الجامعة يتلقى كتاب شكر وتقدير

The Dean of Al-Maarif University College receives a letter of thanks and appreciation…

Prof. Dr. Yaqoub Nadhim Ahmed, Dean of the College, received a letter of gratitude and appreciation submitted by the Deputy Minister of Education for Administrative Affairs – Assistant Professor Dr. Falah Mahmoud Al-Qaisi, in appreciation of the outstanding and exerted efforts of the Dean in performing the duties assigned to him. And his constant quest

The Dean of Al-Maarif University College receives a letter of thanks and appreciation… Read More »

بدء الامتحانات النهائية في كلية المعارف الجامعة

In pictures: Final exams begin at Al-Maarif University College.

On Sunday, 7/25/2021, the final exams for the students of Al-Maarif University College has began, and the exam process was conducted very smoothly and according to the Ministry’s directives.The college was also visited by the electronic ministerial team, the director of studies and planning, the deputy director and the assistant director of the supervisory representative

In pictures: Final exams begin at Al-Maarif University College. Read More »

عقد مجلس كلية المعارف الجامعة جلسته السادسة للعام الدراسي (٢٠٢٠ / ٢٠٢١)

Al-Maarif University College Council held its sixth session for the academic year (2020/2021) at 11 am on Thursday (15/7/2021) in the college council hall headed by the Dean of the College, Prof. Yaqoub Nazim Ahmed respected.

At the outset, the President of the Council welcomed all the members of the Council, and Prof. Dr. Munir Abdullah Khader for his assumption of the position of Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences After that, the President of the Council presented the issues on the agenda, and the Council also

Al-Maarif University College Council held its sixth session for the academic year (2020/2021) at 11 am on Thursday (15/7/2021) in the college council hall headed by the Dean of the College, Prof. Yaqoub Nazim Ahmed respected. Read More »