University of Al-Maarif Celebrates the International Day of the Arabic Language Rector of University of Al-Maarif Visited the Vice-Mayor to Congratulate Him on the Assumption of a New Position Rector of University of Al-Maarif attends the celebration of the International Day of the Arabic Language at College of Al-Imam Al-Adham Student Discipline, A Legal Introduction Seminar at University of Al-Maarif University of Al-Maarif Participated in the Ministerial Training Workshop on Academic Accreditation for Colleges of Law Rector of University of Al-Maarif Attended the Graduation Ceremony of University of Al-Anbar First Arab Student Arrived to University of Al-Maarif within the Programme of Study in Iraq University of Al-Maarif Achieved Advanced Position on Iraqi Private Universities on Women’s Affairs Ceremony The Erudite, Prof. Fadhil Al-Samarra’i Paid a Visit to University of Al-Maarif Rector Scientific Assistant Enrolled in Meetings of the Union of Arab Scientific Research Councils University of Al-Maarif Hosted Championship of Iraqi Bagot Game Representing Al-Anbar Governorate, University of Al-Maarif became Eligible for the Finals of the World Debates for Iraqi Universities 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 119